Men can fake orgasms too

“A research reveals an unexpected number of men attempt to orgasm during sex,” informs.

Women are not the only ones who can fake orgasms. Indeed, a research revealed that an unexpected number of men do. Distinctly, the mechanics of this are a bit more challenging for men, but it becomes much easier if a men use condom. In the study of more than 200 college students, 25 percent of dude said that they fake orgasms. By contrast, 50 percent of girls admitted that they fake orgasms. The principal reason for this fake was "that orgasm was improbable or took more time and that they wanted to end sex intercourse. A majority of women, unlike, admitted that their main motivation for faking an orgasm was “to escape hurting their partner's feelings”. 50 percent of students also claim this.
Some students consider that the only reason they see for men faking an orgasm “is if you have had too much to drink and your body is essentially numb, and there is no way to fake it.” But students say when faking has occurred, they have just finished and moved to getting the girl off in other ways. An anonymous student said that he faked an orgasm once in his early-20s after meeting a girl at a bar and drunkenly taking her home. He said that he felt bad about taking so long to come. That began a vicious circle, putting pressure on himself, which made him less and less hard. That is why he decided to get off. Everything was true. He did not make it appear as some great orgasm, he just sighed loudly and fell asleep.
Another anonymous student expressed that he used to fake an orgasm with a certain girl because she once expressed frustration upon he did not ejaculate. He admitted that he enjoys the sex not depending on what happens to the condom. He, ironically, said that whenever he did not have an orgasm, he would simply pretend that he did. Other students said that sometimes they want to finish sex session, but do not to hurt want to their partner.
It is amusing to think that sometimes women do fake orgasm while guy can fake it too. What a perfect view of performative sex. Both partners are so strictly keeping to an estimated script that they become outside observers to their own sexual session. Or, sometimes, it is less a question of performance and more a try to escape one's own, or one's partner's, trouble.
The research focused on college-age dudes and girls, as most surveys do. Faking an orgasm to some degree is not a characteristic of youthful sex lives.

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